
    Light & Motion Doubles Down on Local Manufacturing and Design

    Light & Motion has announced it will move its vertically integrated manufacturing company to a larger newly renovated facility next month. The new headquarters, located in Marina, California just 10 miles from its current home, will double the company’s footprint to 30,000 sq. feet. The building, “Hanger 535”, is an old military helicopter repair depot that Light & Motion has refurbished.

    “We are a team that loves product and our new building give us more room to build it. The idea of someone else building it for us would be like sending someone out to take your place on your Saturday morning ride. Building cool stuff is the point,” says Daniel Emerson, CEO of Light & Motion. “Practice is how we get better and learn to design better products. The new building also provides more professional space for our team to work, and Marina is a great community for working folk.

    At a time when most of our competitors are offshore, Light & Motion is swimming upstream, challenging conventional wisdom and demonstrating that USA manufacturing is profitable and leads to better products.  Manufacturing jobs are good paying jobs, and they generate value for individuals and our communities. Domestic manufacturing creates a far smaller environmental footprint than offshore supply chains. Vertical integration streamlines the product development time. Design, modeling and prototyping take place on equipment and machinery a few steps from where the engineering team works and the results can be shared immediately with the production team.  Light & Motion is proof that investment in a local workforce and lean manufacturing practices can keep jobs here.

    “A vertically integrated manufacturing culture is a rich, more satisfying place to work. We are a community of people, dedicated to hard work, integrity and accomplishment,” said Emerson.

    Logo courtesy Light & Motion

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