Snow News

    Black Diamond Equipment Launches New Facebook App: Dawn Patrol

    Salt Lake City, UT- Black Diamond Equipment, Ltd., a leading global innovator in climbing, skiing and mountain sports equipment, announced today the launch of their new Facebook application, Dawn Patrol.

    In the early ‘90s, the late, great Alex Lowe (a.k.a. The Fiend) began leading a dedicated crew of BD employees on pre-work ski missions in the Wasatch that he dubbed “Dawn Patrol.” This ritual has been embraced by BD employees and other dedicated skiers ever since as both an expression of our passion for skiing and the ultimate tribute to The Fiend himself.

    Black Diamond Equipment’s Dawn Patrol application brings to life the passionate ski culture of the Black Diamond Equipment brand and encourages their Facebook fans to share their tales and photos from their early morning ski tour experiences with their community.

    “Our Dawn Patrol Facebook application is an opportunity for our brand’s biggest fans to engage with each other and BD, while honoring Alex and the passion we all share for getting up early and getting it done.” said Adam Chamberlain, Black Diamond Equipment’s VP of Marketing. “As Facebook connects 800M people and their friends to the things they care about using social technology, we hope that waking up with a dawn patrol and sharing that experience in the Dawn Patrol  app will help stoke our community’s fire for skiing outside the lines.”

    Not only will the app allow skiers to share stories and images from their dawn patrols, but every day for six weeks it will also offer them numerous chances to win prizes from Black Diamond Equipment. Each time someone enters a Dawn Patrol post they will be automatically eligible for a daily instant win. At the end of the six-week period, a winner will be randomly chosen from all entries for the grand-prize package, which includes: AMPerage or Element skis, Ascension STS skins, Fritschi Diamir Freeride Pro, Eagle 12 AT or O1 ski bindings, Covert AvaLung ski pack, and a pair of Factor 130/, Factor 110, Shiva, Custom, Push or Stiletto ski boots.

    For more information about Black Diamond Equipment’s new Dawn Patrol Facebook application and a video highlighting the Black Diamond Equipment “dawn patrol” culture, please visit: