Water News

    The National Marine Manufacturers Association Highlights Economic Impact, Manufacturing Jobs at Republican and Democratic National Conventions

    National Marine Manufacturers Association | ActionHub

    The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA)  is hosting events at both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions this year to honor the Congressional Boating Caucus and to educate delegates, Members of Congress and staff about the overwhelming impact that recreational boat, engine and accessory manufacturing has on the U.S. economy.

    NMMA’s events will include boat demonstrations, information about the economics of the recreational boating industry and an opportunity to meet with industry leaders for an educational afternoon. Highlights also include tips for enjoying a safe day on the water, the latest in technology and “green boating” as well as top policy issues facing the industry such as the introduction of high ethanol fuels in the marketplace.

    The RNC event will be held on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 from 4-7pm at the Hula Bay Club in Tampa, Florida. The DNC event is Tuesday, September 4, 2012 from 12-3pm at the Peninsula Yacht Club, Lake Norman, North Carolina. NMMA encourages its members, stakeholders and media to attend the event and learn more about the boating lifestyle and the positive impact that marine manufacturing is having on the U.S. economy.

    Recreational boating is a uniquely American manufacturing industry with 83 percent of power boats sold in the U.S. manufactured in the U.S. and an important contributor to the U.S. economy with a $72 billion annual economic impact and an estimated 350,000 direct American jobs. Recreational boating is also a net exporter for the U.S.: in 2011 boat exports were up 44 percent above the 16-year average of $1.2 billion.

    NMMA President Thom Dammrich says of the events, “This election year brings us a special opportunity to educate our policy makers about the important role marine manufacturing plays in the overall health of our nation’s economy. As a bipartisan organization is it critical that we work with Republicans and Democrats alike to improve our economic outlook and grow the future of the recreational boating industry.”

    For questions or media inquiries please contact Lauren Dunn at 202-280-6928 or ldunn@nmma.org.

    Logo courtesy of the National Marine Manufacturers Association