Mountain & Trail News

    Yellowstone National Park, This Week’s National Park Getaway

    Yellowstone National Park, WY – Congress gave America’s Best Idea a kickstart in 1872, when it established Yellowstone National Park – this week’s National Park Getaway (

    Yellowstone is a place of wonder in all seasons. The park preserves the most extraordinary collection of mudpots, geysers, hot springs, and fumaroles on Earth, including one of the most famous geysers – Old Faithful.

    Internationally known as a World Heritage site and Biosphere Reserve, the park is home to a large variety of wildlife including grizzly bears, wolves, bison and elk. Human history in the park has been traced back more than 11,000 years.

    Catch a glimpse of Yellowstone in one of its quieter seasons with this week’s National Park Getaway.

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