Water News

    Becoming An Outdoor Woman Event to be Held at South Dakota’s Lake Poinsett

    Ladies, have you ever wanted to learn how to shoot a muzzleloader? Field dress a deer? Catch and cook a walleye? Hunt waterfowl, deer, and turkeys? Paddle a kayak?

    If so, the South Dakota Department of Game Fish and Parks “Becoming an Outdoor Woman” weekend is for you!

    The workshop on Sept. 14-15 at Lake Poinsett focuses on learning outdoor skills usually associated with hunting and fishing but useful for many outdoor pursuits. Designed primarily for women, it is an opportunity for anyone 18 years of age or older to get “hands on” experience in the outdoors.

    Class listing and registration information on “Becoming an Outdoor Woman” can be found at http://gfp.sd.gov/outdoor-learning/BOW.aspx

    For more information, contact GFP Education Coordinator Maggie Lindsey at Maggie.lindsey@state.sd.us.

    Logo courtesy South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks