Mountain & Trail News

    Bad to the Bone All-Star Running Retreats Announces UTMB Training Camp

    Bad to the Bone Endurance Sports is excited to announce a new addition to its All-Star Running Retreats event calendar for spring: UTMB Training Camp May 26—June 2, 2012. Retreat Leader Ian Sharman (USA Trail 100 Mile Record Holder) and Lead Runner Krissy Moehl (UTMB Female Record Holder) are the designated “all-stars” in this international offering. Krissy and Ian will guide participants through some of the most memorable mountain scenery in Europe, taking five days to run and hike the Ultra Tour du Mont Blanc race course.

    During the week, participants will cover the entire UTMB route of 103 miles (167km), providing ideal training for any of the UTMB events, or for that matter, any other mountain ultra. Each day runners will leave early after breakfast for the high mountain trails. Runners will rest and eat together at lunch—then again at the end of the day’s route. While this is a much more relaxing and photo-friendly way to see the route than in the race, each day covers a lot of distance and climb. Because of this, the UTMB Training Camp is best suited for experienced runners capable of logging 100 miles per week.

    The UTMB Training Camp pairs experienced elite runners with a diverse group of athletes who share a common goal: to test their personal and physical limits on the UTMB course. Like the 3-day All Star Running Retreats format in the U.S., the small group size and staff-to-runner ratio of the UTMB Training Camp will create a tight sense of community in an extraordinary setting, fostering “the close culture already present in the sport of ultra running,”says Dr. Francesca Conte, Bad to the Bone co-founder. Retreat Leader Ian Sharman speaks for the UTMB staff when he says, “Both Krissy and myself are looking forward to running these spectacular alpine trails with like-minded runners.”

    Participants will arrive Sat, May 26th, traveling from Geneva airport to Chamonix for dinner as a group. A snapshot of the run schedule is as follows: Sunday begins with a 19.3 mile run to Les Contamines, France. Monday with a crossing the Col de la Seigne into Italy (29.2 miles).Tuesday’s passage is Courmayeur, Italy to La Fouly, Switzerland (19.9 miles). Wednesday continues through Switzerland, but going from La Fouly to Trient (18.6 miles). Thursday marks the final leg from Trient, Switzerland to Chamonix, France (16.8 miles).

    Space is limited and participants must have the required visas for France, Italy, and Switzerland – EU and American citizens do not generally require visas for these countries. To view a more detailed itinerary or to register for All-Star Running Retreats’ UTMB Training Camp, go to

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