Water News

    Florida Fish & Wildlife Officers Make Lee County Arrests

    Officers Stuart Spoede and Gregory Bryson were on water patrol when a local marina contacted them and informed them of a hit-and-run boating accident that had just occurred at their dock. The officers located the vessel involved, which was a rental vessel, near the location of the incident.

    The operator was read Miranda Warnings and admitted to colliding with the dock. While speaking with the operator, Officer Bryson observed signs of alcohol impairment and conducted field sobriety tasks. The operator was arrested for BUI and leaving the scene of a boating accident.

    While waiting for individuals from the rental business to arrive and retrieve their vessel, one of the intoxicated passengers became verbally abusive and obnoxious toward Officer Spoede. There were approximately 100 people including children in the area.

    Officer Spoede repeatedly asked the individual to refrain from using foul language or she would be taken to jail for disorderly intoxication. The subject continued to use foul language and scream at Officer Spoede. When Officer Spoede instructed the individual to put her hands behind her back, she began to brace her hands on the vessel, and when Officer Spoede attempted to put handcuffs on her, she began swinging at him, attempting to hit him in the face.

    The individual was sprayed with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray after she failed to comply with instructions and was transported to the Lee County Jail.

    The subject was charged with disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest with violence.

    Logo courtesy Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission