Water News

    Two Montegut, Lousiana Men Arrested for Shrimp and Boating Violations

    Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Enforcement Division agents arrested and cited two men for alleged fishing and boating safety violations on the Pointe-Aux-Chenes Wildlife Management Area (WMA) on Sept. 26.

    Agents cited Lance Billiot, 31, and Armando Brunett, 25, both of Montegut, for blocking passages of fish and taking shrimp with illegal gear. Armando Brunett was also cited for not possessing a boat registration certificate, no running lights, failure to comply with personal flotation device (PFD) requirements and no fire extinguisher.

    While on patrol on the Pointe-Aux-Chenes WMA and Island Road, agents witnessed a net tied to the bridge just below the surface of the water in front of the water control structure blocking the waterway. Agents set up surveillance on the net.

    A short time later, agents observed two subjects pick up the net from a vessel without lights. Agents stopped the men and found them to be in possession of the net, which contained 27 pounds of shrimp caught illegally. Agents placed the men under arrest and booked them into the Terrebonne Parish Correctional Facility.

    Blocking the passage of fish and taking shrimp with illegal gear carries a fine from $250 to $500 and up to 90 days in jail for each offense. Failing to be in possession of a boat registration certificate, no running lights, no fire extinguisher and failing to comply with PFD requirements carry a $50 fine and up 15 days in jail for each offense.

    Agents involved in the case were Senior Agent Michael Williams, Senior Agent Nick Guillory and Senior Agent Michael Marques.

    Logo courtesy Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries