Water News

    Great Lakes to Hurricane Sandy: “Hey Bud…Let’s Party!”

    My thoughts and prayers go out to my friends and family on the East Coast who are dealing with the brunt and now aftermath of the devastating Hurricane Sandy. I hope all are safe and wish for a speedy recovery.

    Up here in the outdoors of the Great Lakes, we felt some effects of the major storm as well. While certainly not as catastrophic as out east, we are experiencing some heavy rains, intense wind and yes…huge waves on the Great Lakes.

    Yes, waves.

    You don’t think of surfing in the Great Lakes.  There is even a Great Lakes Surfing Association. Yep – there is an Association for everything.  But, when the time is right – and this storm has presented the right time – Hurricane Sandy brings reports of 30 foot waves in Lake Michigan.

    While no one should be out on the lake given the dangers of this storm, it made me think back to surfing and boogie boarding as a kid growing up in Virginia Beach, Virginia. And, as a kid who grew up in the 1980′s in a surfing beach town…seems like Jeff Spicoli might want to consider adding Lake Michigan to his tour.


    Image from tarotastic on the flickr Creative Commons