Water News

    BoatUS Magazine Earns Four BWI Awards

    At the recent annual meeting of Boating Writers International (BWI) at the 2012 Miami International Boat Show, BoatUS Magazine was honored with four awards for excellence in writing in the 19th Annual BWI Writing Contest. Four features from the nation’s largest boating publication were selected from 301 entries in 16 contest categories.

    The honors included: A Merit Award in the Boating Profiles category for “A Space Odyssey” by Contributor Gary Kramer which chronicled the lives of El and Bill Fiero who turned their dreams (and trailerable boat) into an exciting retirement lifestyle; A Third Place Award in the Ethics and Environment category for “Eating the Aliens” by Contributing Editor Chris Landers which looked at the issue of invasive species with a culinary eye; a Third Place Award in the Boating Issues, News and Analysis for Associate Editor Ryck Lydecker’s “Alcohol & Boat Engines, Is There Another Way?” which debated the viability of isobutanol as a cleaner substitute for engine-harming ethanol in boat fuel; and a Merit Award in the same category for Consumer Editor Caroline Ajootian’s “Don’t Get Lured Into a Deal That’s Too Good” – a cautionary tale that documents two real-world boat buying deals that sounded just a little fishy to be true.

    Said BoatUS Magazine Editorial Director Bernadette Bernon, “We’re grateful for these awards that honor BoatUS Magazine’s unique expertise in presenting provocative stories that resonate with our readers, helps them make smart choices, and inspires them to enjoy their boating lives to the fullest.”