Snow News

    Easton Athletes Earn Top Honors at 2012 Snowshoe Championships

    Easton Mountain Products is pleased to announce a successful weekend for several athlete ambassadors at the 12th Annual United States Dion National Snowshoe Championships in Frisco, Colorado. Fresh snow made for soft conditions for racers. Colorado’s own Mitchell Kayson won 1st place among Junior Boys (ages 15-19), Liam Meirow took 1st in the Citizens 5K race and, Eric Hartmark of Minnesota placed 3rd and Nate Canton of Iowa placed 17th in the Senior 10K National Championship Race.

    “Easton Mountain Products’ Vo2 Racing snowshoes felt incredibly light and durable. It felt like running and I have a big running background so it was natural,” says Liam Meirow, 16, who used the Vo2 Racing snowshoes for his first ever snowshoe race. “I felt without the snowshoes I wouldn’t have been able to compete the way I did. The VO2 Racing was light and quick and the technology provided a quick leg turn over, giving me a faster pace.”

    “I started snowshoeing during the middle of my junior year of high school as an alternative to just running in the winter,” says Mitchell Kayson, 18. “The Vo2 are slightly larger compared to racing shoes offered by other companies and it allows me to float better when the courses aren’t well packed. Despite their larger size the Vo2 Racing snowshoes are the lightest ones that I have ever used, which is definitely an advantage in any race. Plus the direct mount system is really convenient.”

    The Easton Ambassadors raced on new Vo2 Racing snowshoes. The ergonomic Vo2 snowshoes weigh only 1.3lbs each and feature a direct connect mounting system for a natural feel and full range of motion. This delivers fast maneuverability, extended comfort and better step tracking.