Water News

    The Islander Celebrates 15 Years in Publication

    The Islander yachting magazine based in Palma de Mallorca is celebrating its 15th anniversary since starting out as a local boating newsletter back in March 1997.

    Very appropriately The Islander publishers Peter and Marleen Franklin, held a party to commemorate the occasion at The Club de Mar in Palma, one of the best known marinas in the Mediterranean, and where founder publisher, the late John Rule, started out originally with issue No 1.

    On Friday 16th March, well over 100 members of the local yachting community enjoyed a convivial atmosphere and plenty of ‘shop talk’ on the terrace of the club bar on a pleasant early spring evening.

    In a short speech to the gathered crowd Peter Franklin said:

    “John Rule is here in spirit, and we’re honoured to have his wife Carol here tonight in the place where it all started.” Reading an excerpt from John’s lead editorial in the first 16 page, two colour Islander newsletter, Peter mentioned that the magazine had moved with the times but had stuck faithfully to the original concept promised by John.

    This was (and is) to provide accurate, and sometimes humorous or controversial news on all things nautical in the The Balearic Islands.  He said; “Our heartfelt thanks go firstly to our readers, without which we are nothing. Also to our advertisers some of which have been with us in every one of our 175 issues, and to our sterling band of contributors who are all experts in their specific nautical fields, and have consistently provided interesting and relevant content for so many years.

    Peter went on to say; “Technology has moved on and our industry has changed, these days we have a digital platform via our website, a nautical TV video web portal, (sea-things.tv) and are now spreading our wings into mainland Spain, the French Riviera, Italy and Sardinia. But one thing that won’t change is our ongoing commitment to deliver relevant yachting news and information across all of our platforms, and to ensure its always available ‘free of charge’ to our readers and viewers”

    During the party Peter also presented a hand stitched leather replica ‘Royal Navy’ drinking tankard to Roger Horner, Group Managing Director of marine communications specialists e3 Systems, for his outstanding contribution to The Islander magazine.  Peter said; “I’m still in awe of how Roger does it, but he has kept our readers in touch with all the developments in onboard communications technology, over the span of 174 editions since issue No 2 in April 1997!”