Water News

    North Dakota Anglers Should Check Status of Missouri River Boat Ramps

    Anglers planning to fish the Missouri River this spring should take notice of which boat ramps are accessible.

    Bob Frohlich, North Dakota Game and Fish Department fisheries development supervisor, says the damages from last year’s flood are still evident in some areas from the Garrison Dam to South Dakota, and numerous sites will be closed for some time.

    “While all ramps and some of the associated infrastructure were damaged to some degree from last year’s flood, many of the ramps are now open and usable at least for the time being,” Frohlich said. “However a couple popular ramps, MacLean Bottoms and Kneifel Landing, are currently closed, but the department hopes to have them operational as soon as possible.”

    Local park boards who manage these areas have been busy working with FEMA, engineers and contractors to come up with plans and funding to reconstruct facilitates damaged or destroyed during the flood. The Game and Fish Department is assisting park boards, as well as working on a number of its own ramps.

    At this time of the year, conditions can change daily and anglers are encouraged to check the status of Missouri River boat ramps by accessing the boating link at the Game and Fish website, gf.nd.gov.