Water News

    SafeLink EPRIB Announces Rebate

    A $75 rebate is available on US and Canadian purchases of the Kannad Marine SafeLink EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) through May 31, 2012.

    The rebate applies to purchases of the SafeLink model 10-K1202367 with auto housing and the model 10-K1202311 with manual bracket. Information on claiming the rebate is available from Survitec Survival Products, the US distributor of Kannad Marine products, at www.survitec-spi.com/promo.

    The SafeLink 406 MHz EPIRB has integral GPS for highly accurate position information. It works on the global COSPAS SARSAT search and rescue satellite system (www.cospas-sarsat.org), which is supported by international government search and rescue authorities around the world, so a call for help will be acted upon and fast.

    The ultra compact and stylish 406 MHz SafeLink represents the next generation in EPIRB technology for both commercial mariners and recreational boaters. It is the first EPIRB to have an integrated antenna, enabling the compact size – and a user-replaceable battery, making future battery changes easier and more economical for the owner (for non legislated applications only).

    SafeLink is waterproof and floats upright, allowing it to be tethered to a life raft and left to transmit. The powerful 406 MHz 5 watt output transmission ensures that a call for help gets through to the international search and rescue authorities, even from the most remote locations around the world.

    Once activated, the SafeLink EPIRB transmits a unique identification signal along with current position via the COSPAS SARSAT search and rescue satellite system on 406 MHz. The signal will continue to transmit for at least 48 hours at temperatures as low as -20°c. The integral high accuracy GPS provides an accurate position, typically +/- 62 meters along with new position updates every 20 minutes for fast recovery. SafeLink also features a 121.5MHz homing signal to further assist with local recovery, while its high-brightness LED flashing locator lights aid visual location.