
    Citizen Scientist Training and Research Outing at Indiana's Monroe Lake, Nov. 17

    People interested in volunteering with the new Citizen Scientist program at Monroe Lake are invited to a training session on monitoring eagles, Saturday, Nov. 17.

    Volunteers in the Citizen Science program collect data that help Monroe Lake track animal populations, monitor habitats, and make resource management decisions. No prior experience is needed.

    The Nov. 17 training session is the first step in a project that will use volunteers to help monitor the lake’s winter eagle population.

    This training will begin at 2 p.m. with a presentation on eagle identification at the Activity Center in Paynetown State Recreation Area, 4850 S. S.R. 446, Bloomington. Volunteers will then caravan to spots around the lake to look for eagles and learn how to record and report observation data. The training will end around 5 p.m.

    Volunteers must register for the training session by 4 p.m. on Nov. 16 by calling the Paynetown Activity Center at (812) 837-9967 or by emailing naturalist Jill Vance at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Volunteers will be asked to monitor a specific location at Monroe Lake for eagles on a weekly or twice-monthly basis through January.