The official opening of the new marina at Davis’s Boatyard, Poole, in early March marked the successful completion of another Walcon Marine project on the south coast of England. With the sailing events for the 2012 Olympic Games taking place in August just a few miles down the coast at Portland, Poole Harbour will be playing host to unprecedented volumes of spectator and support craft over the summer and top quality marina berths of the type installed at Davis’s will be in great demand.
The refurbishment at Davis’s Boatyard first required the removal of existing infrastructure, dredging and the installation of new piles, all undertaken by local contractor Jenkins Marine. While this was taking place Walcon Marine was manufacturing 160 metres of walkway pontoons and 40 finger pontoons, the latter mostly 8 metres in length. An 8.5 metre bridge linking the quay to the marina was also build and supplied.
For this project Walcon’s System 21 pontoon model was used. A tried and tested design it is ideal for this kind of high traffic, large tidal range environment combining as it does a mild steel, all welded structure with expanded polystyrene floats encased in fibre concrete and hardwood decking and fenders. Barnes Electrical was responsible for fitting out the pontoons with their electrics, and an on-site team from Walcon Marine managed the installation over January and February.
Following the completion of the work the marina is now open for business, and the managers at both Walcon Marine and Davis’s Boatyard are confident that the new marina will not only prove its quality during the course of the Olympic year, but will also give reliable and safe service to the yachtsmen who use it for many more thereafter.