Lifestyle News

    Arizona Rejects $20 Million BMX Headquarters, Olympic Training Facility

    A BMX competition in 2008 in New Zealand.

    Officials have rejected plans to build a $20 million BMX headquarters, Olympic training facility, and public bike park in Gilbert, Arizona. While pointing to factors such as price, the need for existing parks to be improved, as well as increased traffic, officials said it will be considered in the future.

    “The decision is not no, it’s just not right now,” Gilbert Mayor John Lewis told The Arizona Republic

    The plans for the facility were developed through a partnership between Gilbert and USA BMX, which is the sanctioning body for the sport. The build would include an arena with 4,000 seats, a museum, and a public park all housed on 10 acres of town-owned land.

    “This project represents a great opportunity to keep the sanctioning body of one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S. within Gilbert and create a venue that will result in tourism impact in the community,” Gilbert Economic Development Director Dan Henderson told The Republic. 

    Most of the criticisms regarding the project came from residents who were hoping more traditional park facilities would be improved and built that would be available for those who enjoy a number of sports, rather than pouring that much money into one sport.

    “Although a BMX facility […] would bring substantial recreational, economic, and tourism benefits to the community, we believe there are other parks-related needs that require our attention first,” Lewis continued.

    Image from Geof Wilson on Wikimedia Commons