Johnson Outdoors Inc. (Nasdaq:JOUT), a global leader in outdoor recreation equipment, today announced it has named Julie Andersen as Global Marketing Director for the Company’s dive gear and equipment business. In this capacity, Andersen will lead the design, harmonization and implementation of innovative multi-channel, multi-media marketing strategies worldwide for SCUBAPRO and SUBGEAR brands, reporting to Joe Stella, Group Vice President – Johnson Outdoors Diving.
“Johnson Outdoors’ success is fueled by our culture of innovation and collaboration, the perfect place for an entrepreneur with a team-oriented approach like Julie. We are excited to welcome her to our talented Global Diving team,” said Helen Johnson-Leipold, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
Andersen joins Johnson Outdoors from the non-profit sector, where she was founder of Shark Angels, a group whose efforts to protect shark habitat went viral almost overnight, spurring a popular television series by the same name and engaging a new generation of ocean conservationists. Prior to becoming a globally recognized champion of the oceans, Ms. Andersen was a strategic and digital marketing executive and consultant working with a number of the world’s best known companies and brands, including, among others; Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen/Audi, Ralph Lauren, AOL, Time Warner, Chase and Citibank/Smith Barney. Most recently, she was founder and president of Built By Wildman (www.builtbywildman.com), a boutique consultancy dedicated to creating public/private partnerships and communities focused on advancing socially responsible technological and commercial solutions for a sustainable world. She holds a degree in Marketing from the Farmer School of Business at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and has been a PADI-certified diver for the past 15 years.
“SCUBAPRO is the first and only choice for technical divers who deep down, want and demand the best. We are an iconic brand, with unsurpassed innovation, quality and service, clearly positioned to grow market share, as well as dollar sales for our dealers. We are thrilled to have Julie working alongside our local and regional marketing teams around the world to realize that goal,” said Joe Stella, Group Vice President – Johnson Outdoors Diving.
Visit Johnson Outdoors at http://www.johnsonoutdoors.com.
Logo courtesy Johnson Outdoors