
    Kawnivore 100: Canoe Race to Link Kansas State and KU via the Kansas River

    MANHATTAN — Ever heard of the legendary canoe race on the Kansas River (commonly called the “Kaw”) from Manhattan to Lawrence? Called the “Kawnivore 100,” the race offers a challenge to intrepid river runners, as well as hospitality along the way, a one-quarter moon for light, a fantastic view of the stars, and at the finish line, a barbecue meal, beverages, and prize money. Some paddlers enter the race to compete; others just ride for the challenge, but all paddlers are welcome.

    The 94-mile race will start at Manhattan’s Linear Park boat ramp on Friday, July 22, at 5:30 p.m. for Heat 1 and at 6 p.m. for Heat 2. Racers may stage their boats at Lanier Park in Manhattan, which will be crowded, or they may go to the less-crowded Fairmont Park on the south side of the Kaw under the Highway 177 bridge. However, the Fairmont access will require a 1-mile paddle down the Kaw to the Blue River and up the Blue to the starting point at Lanier Park, so boaters using this route will need to allow at least an extra hour to reach Linear Park in time for the start. Boaters will line up for the start on the upstream side of the railroad bridge at Linear Park.

    Life jackets must be worn and lights are required on boats throughout the race. Stops will be provided at boat ramps along the way. Boaters will likely finish between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 23. Boaters and support crews are required to attend a one-hour safety and river information meeting at 2 p.m. on Friday, July 22, at the Wareham Opera House, 410 Poyntz Ave. in Manhattan.

    For more information, registration, rules, and entry fees, go online to and click the “Kawnivore 100” link. The number of entrants is limited, so early registration is suggested.

    For more information, phone Scott Mansker, River Miles president, at 913-244-4666      .