
ActionHub Reporters

The ActionHub Reporters are a team of talented journalists and outdoorsmen and women who work around the clock to follow and report on the biggest stories in the outdoors.

Areas of Expertise: Reporting on all the breaking news in the outdoor industry

Articles from Contributor

Jensen Wins ASP Sandy Bay Longboard Event

2011 ASP World Champion Taylor Jensen (USA) showed why he is the best in the business with a near perfect performance in the final of the ASP Open Men’s Division of the Hyundai Tour event at Sandy Bay, Whangarei, New Zealand. Jensen’s opening ride was…

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Southern New Hampshire Ski Resort Gets First High Speed Quad Lift

Peak Resorts announces the acquisition of the high speed detachable quad chairlift formally of Ascutney Mountain, VT.  The installation of the lift, along with a terrain expansion is planned at Crotched Mountain, NH for the 2012-2013 season. This 3 million dollar capital investment will happen on the 10 year anniversary of the…

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How To Protect Your Hiking Pack When Flying

Don’t ruin your sweet backpack when you need to check it in as luggage! I see so many people at airports that just dump their $300 pack on the scale at check-in and don’t even think twice. We all know that baggage handlers are not…

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BCA Avalanche Airbag Save Goes Viral

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, a one-minute video is worth nearly 250,000 Youtube views for avalanche equipment manufacturer Backcountry Access (BCA). At an unsanctioned snowboard freeride contest in Colorado, competitor Meesh Hytner, was captured in a class 3…

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National Parks Commemorate African American History Month

Do you know about the groundbreaking exploits of Colonel Charles Young, a military hero who was the first African American superintendent of a national park? How about York, the slave who accompanied Lewis and Clark on their historic journey to the west? Or the poet Paul Laurence Dunbar, a…

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