
ActionHub Reporters

The ActionHub Reporters are a team of talented journalists and outdoorsmen and women who work around the clock to follow and report on the biggest stories in the outdoors.

Areas of Expertise: Reporting on all the breaking news in the outdoor industry

Articles from Contributor

NY DEC Closes Three Shellfishing Areas

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens today announced the temporary closure of three shellfishing areas on the north shore of Long Island during the upcoming Fourth of July holiday period. These closures are put in place during the busy holidays…

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Become an Outdoors Woman This Fall

When the leaves begin to change color and the air cools down, why not hit the trail to the next Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) workshop? This fall’s fun-filled event will be held October 7-9, 2011, at the 4-H Center near Columbiana in Shelby County and…

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Campsites, shelters available for Independence Day weekend

There are DNR campsites/cabins available for Independence Day weekend, so time still remains to plan a holiday outing. “The weather is supposed to be good, so if people haven’t made plans yet, there are still plenty of great opportunities out there,” said Christie Wilmoth, business…

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One Good “Sniff” May Save a Life

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – It was the end to the Memorial Day weekend when a 32-foot motorboat with four persons aboard pulled up to the fuel dock. Moments later, after filling up, an explosion ripped through the boat – literally separating it into clamshell-like halves. In…

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Motorhome Adventures: Preventing Transmission Problems

Late Friday evening. Day one of vacation. Back country West Virginia. Blue smoke flowing from beneath the motorhome and the pungent odor of burning transmission oil told us everything we needed to know. We were in trouble. At best, our motorhome transmission’s front seal was…

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Bring a Tote on Your Next Camping Trip

When traveling around camping , we bought a large outdoor tote for the back of the camper. It held all our extra camping supplies and kept our wood dry while there. It’s easy to remove and replace when you’re ready to go home. You can…

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Keep your Stuff Dry on a Hike

A quick tip from my outdoor experiences: I always pack valuables in ziplock bags to protect them from water damage and pack extra bags for the trip. That way I can enjoy my hike no matter what the weather and not have replace my gear…

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