One of the strongest means for growing a brand online is through entertaining and/or educational content. Consumers spend more time engaging a brand and remembering their message through content than through any other digital avenue. Oftentimes a website owner or company does not have sufficient time or resources to create quality content. Others have great content resources but lack the means for aggregating the material. It is also a normal occurence that when a website owner or company has quality content they are often unsure how to leverage it past social media outlets to create more brand credibility online.
Today one of the most commonly misunderstood and under used assets that can solve all these problems is the widget. A widget is a great tool for aggregating just about any kind of content that would appeal to your users/customers. This content can include material from within your website, feeds from social media outlets, blog posts from industry celebrities or even the latest news in a local community. By using a custom widget builder, such as Outdoor Hub Connect, you can utilize a widget solution to solve for your user/customer’s needs.
Going Beyond Traditional Widgets
It’s important to note that there is a vast difference between Outdoor Hub Connect widgets and traditional widgets that only show the title of an article/video with a hyperlink. Outdoor Hub went far and beyond the traditional RSS Feed widget in order to create brand building solution for your website and your marketing program. Here are some of the key differences provided in Outdoor Hub Connect for free that we believe can significantly help your brand building:
- Outdoor Hub Connect allows for complete custom design themes around any content uploaded to a Connect widget. Therefore you can provide users/customers great content under your branding even though that material was originally published elsewhere, such as
- When choosing an article or video the user isn’t sent to another website or webpage but instead shown a full view pop out box, thus never having to leave the website where the widget is embedded
- Within the full view pop out box the user is provided a comment box where he/she can read and interact with other readers everywhere that article has been syndicated in the Outdoor Hub content platform. This allows for cross website conversations between users while they remaining on the website where the widget is embedded.
- Outdoor Hub Connect users have access to the library of content which has hundreds of outdoor industry articles posted daily.
- The content you upload or choose to pull from the library is subject to your custom filtering, sorting and navigation layout.
Create a Viral Brand Widget
Once you develop an Outdoor Hub Connect widget the same features and functionalities are present everywhere the widget is embedded thus increasing the value of your branded widget for other websites or bloggers to embed. By providing this tool for other website owners and bloggers it becomes a free as well as easy way to extend your brand into multiple website communities. If the content solution is strong enough your widget my be shared on multiple levels depending on who finds the need to share the widget. Outdoor Hub offers a jumpstart program for those brands looking to increase brand saturation.
Content Syndication
If you would like for others to showcase your content along with your brand in their Outdoor Hub Connect widgets visit to learn how. Outdoor Hub syndicates content across the largest community of outdoor recreation websites reaching over 14.5 million enthusiasts per month. With every article or video we syndicate the publishing author receives links back to their website, links to their social networks and a logo/image for branding. Publishing your content for these enthusiasts to enjoy is not only free but an easy way to syndicate your branded content.