Mountain & Trail News

    Golden Gate Canyon State Park in Colorado is Scheduled to Burn Slash Wood Piles

    Golden, CO. – Staff at Golden Gate Canyon State Park will attempt to burn small piles of slash wood in the vicinity of Gap Road and the Aspen Meadow Campground from late November until the end of the 2011 calendar year. These piles are the result of removing trees that created a fire hazard along the Mule Deer Service Road/Trail over the past two summers.

    The hazardous tree removal work was completed under a grant to the Mile High Youth Corps from the Colorado State Forest Service, using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

    The piles will only be burned when weather and snow conditions allow for safe burning, so no set dates are available at this time. Citizens with questions should contact Golden Gate Canyon Park Manager Dan Weber at 303-582-3707, ext. 15.

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