Mountain & Trail News

    Missing New Hampshire Hiker Rescued

    An 82-year-old Newmarket man, Bruce Charity, who was missing since late yesterday (Monday, December 12, 2011), was reached by rescuers about 10:30 a.m. today after a N.H. State Police helicopter crew spotted him from the air. Alive, but suffering from hypothermia, Charity is being carried out of the remote swampy area in Durham, N.H., and an ambulance is standing by to transport him to Wentworth-Douglas Hospital in Dover.

    “We’re ecstatic at the happy ending to this search,” said Col. Martin Garabedian of Fish and Game Law Enforcement. “Obviously the cold temperatures and flooded conditions in the area were serious concerns as this search continued through the night. We’re extremely grateful for the efforts of all the assisting agencies, especially the N.H. State Police helicopter that ultimately succeeded in finding Mr. Charity.”

    Charity hikes regularly in the area, which has many popular hiking trails. Yesterday he set out about 2:00 p.m. When he had not arrived back at home yesterday as darkness fell, a family member notified police about 6:30 p.m.

    New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Conservation Officers coordinated a search, concentrated off Dame Road in Durham, that continued through the night, yielding no clues. Some 75-100 searchers resumed the search this morning, combing the rural area of extensive wetlands.

    Fish and Game was assisted in the search by Durham and Newmarket police and fire department personnel, N.H. State Police, New England K-9 Search and Rescue, Upper Valley Search and Rescue, and southern New Hampshire police quick response tactical teams.

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