Water News

    Boats on Cars and Garage Doors Don’t Mix – Keep Them Safe with the Headsup System

    If you carry a bike or kayak on your car and also suffer short-term memory loss you might be interested in the Headsup System. It’s designed to remind you that you have rack-mounted stuff on your car’s roof so you don’t drive full speed into the garage damaging your expensive toys.

    The design behind it is pretty simple. You store a small wireless tag with your gear on the roof and another inside your car. When you approach your garage door an LED sign on the wall starts to flash along with a beeper in your car reminding you to stop.

    Of course this whole thing works great at home but still wouldn’t help the two people I watched crunch their canoe and whitewater kayak when trying to park underground at the Toronto Mountain Equipment Co-op. Both incidents were not pretty…

    Prices start around $170.