Water News

    ASP Tour Injury Update: Sage Erickson

    After years of hard work, Sage Erickson (USA), 21, has officially qualified for the 2012 ASP Women’s World Tour. The talented natural-footer blitzed ASP Women’s 6-Star events in 2011, constantly posting top results to finish off the year ranked 4th overall. Erickson had decided to flee the chilly California winter temps for the warm Australia summer and recently injured her ankle, putting her out of the water. The talented regular-footer is headed back to her home to have a full diagnosis of her tweaked leg, and is ready to put everything she has towards making a speedy recovery to prepare for the season opening Roxy Pro Gold Coast in February. The ASP caught up with Sage to get her breakdown on what happened and what her recovery process looks like. This… is her story…

    We recently heard that you injured your ankle on a trip to Oz. What happened?

    “Yeah, I was meant to compete in the ISA World Games in China so I figured I’d head over to a warmer climate where the waves seem to be a bit more consistent at the moment compared to the chilly winter at home. I was doing a bit of cross training, bush running as the Australians would probably call it and I sprained it over a decent sized rock. Straight to the ground I dropped, unable to really walk. Within minutes it was double its original size and bruising was on the rise. I knew I was in for a bit of trouble.”

    Have you had the injury diagnosed yet? How serious is it and how long will you be out of the water? Do you anticipate being ready for the Roxy Pro?

    “Unfortunately the timing wasn’t good. Many of the local doctors here in Copacabana/Avoca have been on Holiday for Christmas and New Years. I’ve googled every cure/healing process for heavily sprained ankles. It’s been serious enough to keep me out of the water for over a week. I’ve tried a few pathetic surf attempts recently and they’ve been subpar. My ankle is stiff, slightly bruised and definitely not 100 percent.

    I have just over a month to get this swollen little kankle in shape. Pulling out of China was a difficult choice, but knowing that my first event competing on my rookie year was around the corner, backed the choice to focus on my major priorities, which are the Women’s World Tour and Qualifying events. I’m very confident that I will be completely ready for the Roxy Pro. I’ve given myself a decent window to strengthen it and even make it stronger in this up and coming month at home.

    What will your recovery/rehab consist of?

    “Recovery has been icing, heating and moving my ankle in ways to loosen the joint up without causing more tension or pain so far. Staying off it has been obnoxious but mandatory. The gym P3 (Peak Performance Project) that I train at constantly has elite therapist at home in California. First thing, I’ll have them have a good look at it and see what motions and exercises we can do to better the state my left ankle is in now, making sure no further damage has been done, torn tendons or a fracture, worse case.”