Water News

    Austin Canoe and Kayak Announces Video Contest Winner

    Austin Canoe and Kayak (ACK), today announced the official winner of the “Why I Deserve to Win a Kayak” video contest. The contest was designed to engage participants in convincing the viewing audience, by means of a short 3-minute video, why they deserve to win a kayak by Native Watercraft or Liquid Logic.

    Ten participants entered their videos and were at the mercy of the general public’s vote. The videos varied from the short and witty, to those that developed an entire story line using their friends and families as extras. In the end, there was one first place winner, Jason Lee Menard with “Save Jason’s Life”, a well thought out and executed clip about his desperate need to escape from his nosey, and as he claims, possessive girlfriend. Jason was congratulated and awarded a brand new Liquid Logic XP 10 Kayak.

    “I would like to thank all of the other participants, the dudes at Liquid Logic and everyone at Austin Kayak for making this an amazing contest,” said Jason Lee Menard, “It was a stressful and super close battle between Leo and I but luckily I came out with just a few more votes.”

    Leo Vasquez came in at a close second with a plea to help him enjoy his retirement with the kayak of his dreams while Bill McClernan secured third place with a dreamy video of his adventures with the hope of winning a smaller kayak than he has now.

    All videos can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/AustinKayak.