Water News

    Jamie O’Brien Places 2nd The Da Hui Backdoor Shootout

    Jamie O’Brien places 2nd in the Da Hui Backdoor Shootout in Hawaii. Body Glove, consisting of Cheyne Magnusson, Alex Gray, Anthony Walsh and team captain Jamie O’Brien took 3rd in the overall team competition.

    The Da Hui Backdoor Shootout is unlike any other event. Eight teams of four surfers compete over a three-day period for 30 minutes each heat. After the first day team Body Glove was in the lead, but dropped down to 5th place by the end of the second day. However, on the 3rd and final day with all team riders scoring huge rides, were able to overtake team Quicksilver for 3rd place in the team event.  Jamie O’Brien took 2nd place in the individual portion of the contest behind Reef MacIntosh. Team Body Glove was awarded a prestigious Chris Lassen painting, for taking 3rd place, that is prominently displayed at the corporate office.

    For more information on Body Glove athletes and products visit http://www.bodyglove.com and for daily updates visit the blog at www.bodygloveartbox.blogspot.com.