Mountain & Trail News

    National Park Service Seeking Input on Plowing Denali Park Road Beyond Headquarters in Winter

    The National Park Service (NPS) intends to evaluate the impacts of plowing the Denali Park Road between park headquarters (Mile 3) and the Mountain Vista Rest Area (Mile 12) during the winter season.

    The NPS is interested in providing additional opportunities for winter visitors to the park, while protecting park resources and values. Plowing the road beyond park headquarters would allow private and commercial vehicles to travel further into the park to provide mountain viewing and increased recreational opportunities.

    An informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Murie Science and Learning Center in Denali National Park.  Members of the public are invited to share their ideas and concerns about the proposal with park staff.

    Currently the park road is closed to vehicular traffic beyond park headquarters after the first significant snowfall occurs (usually in October).  During the winter one lane of the road is maintained so the road crew can manage the overflow ice that occurs between Mile 4-7.  The other lane is not plowed. Both lanes are available for use by dog teams, cross country skiers, snowshoers, and other winter recreationalists. Spring road opening begins in mid-March, and the road is generally open to the public as far as the Savage River (Mile 15) by early April, and to the Teklanika River Rest Area (Mile 30) by mid to late April.

    The NPS invites the public to submit written comments by Friday, March 9, 2012. Comments may be submitted online at, faxed to 907-683-9612, or  contact Paula Homan, Project Planning Lead, at 907-683-6223 or

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