Mountain & Trail News

    Icy Conditions Lead to Hiker Rescue in New Hampshire

    Two young Manchester women were rescued this afternoon (Friday, February 17, 2012) after icy trail conditions caused them to become stranded in a ravine near Catamount Brook in Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown, N.H.

    Manchester residents Melanie Beaudoin and Krystie Gugger, both age 22, had been hiking on trails in the park when they encountered icy conditions that caused them to slide off the trail. Luckily, they had cell phone reception and were able to call for emergency assistance at about 2 p.m.

    Officials were able to lock in the coordinates of the hikers’ location after they were instructed to call 911. New Hampshire and Fish Game Department Conservation Officers riding All-Terrain Vehicles, along with Allenstown Fire and Police personnel, were able to reach the young women by 3:40 p.m. They were transported out of the woods, safe and sound, by 4:00 p.m. The hikers were wearing ice-creepers.

    “This rescue went smoothly, and we’re glad no one was hurt,” said Fish and Game Lt. James Juneau. “With the long holiday weekend ahead of us, this incident serves as a poignant reminder that all hikers need to be prepared for varying conditions. In spite of this year’s lack of snow, icy conditions are present on many trails statewide.”

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