Snow News

    South Dakota’s Custer State Park to Host Snowshoe Hike

    On March 3, visitors to Custer State Park will have the opportunity to experience the winter sights and sounds of the popular park by way of a pair of snowshoes.

    The Sylvan Lake Snowshoe Hike will guide participants around Sylvan Lake and up Trail #9. The three-mile hike is geared toward beginners, allowing participants the opportunity to try the recreational event and explore some of the park’s most beautiful winter scenery.

    The hike will depart the Sylvan Lake General Store parking lot at 1 p.m. MT. Snowshoes are provided, but reservations are required to borrow snowshoes by calling 605-255-4464.

    There is no cost for the hikes; however, a park entrance license is required. If the amount of snow does not allow for snowshoeing, a guided hike will be held.

    Participants should dress appropriately for the weather, as temperatures in the Black Hills can be unpredictable. Any footwear can be used with snowshoes; however, waterproof hiking boots are recommended.