Snow News

    Attitash Mountain Resort Contributes to Bartlett Police Department Officer Safety

    Attitash Mountain Resort recently donated $3,000 to assist the Bartlett Police Department with purchasing ballistic vests for each officer on the department. The vests are worn by on-duty officers as part of their uniform while performing daily tasks. In April of 2011, the Bartlett Police Department applied for a federal grant administered by the U.S. Department of Justice that would reimburse 50% of the purchase price for all ballistic vests purchased by the department. That grant was awarded and Attitash Mountain Resort donated the other 50% of the funds required to make the purchase. “In these tough fiscal times, the Bartlett Police Department appreciates this type of donation,” said Bartlett Police Department Chief Timothy Connifey. “We would not be able to purchase these vests without Attitash’s generous support.”

    “This donation and specific allocation of financial support for the Bartlett Police Department began a year ago when my predecessorKent Grahamreached out to Tim to see how the ski area may help,” said Attitash Mountain Resort General ManagerJohn Lowell. “I am very pleased that our commitment to donate the money and the process to gain grant funding has finally allowed for the purchase of equipment that will contribute to our local police officer’s safety.”