
    Health of the Australian Marina Industry Report Released

    The Marina Industry Association of Australia (MIAA) in association with the Recreational Marine Research Centre (RMRC) at Michigan State University has released two reports arising from the 2011 Health of the Australian Marina Industry Survey. The first focuses in marina financial performance and tends while the second report is more extensive including social, environmental and economic matters.

    These reports build on the findings from the 2008/09 Australian Marina Value Pilot Study released in 2011. The reports are based on a large sample size of 31% of Australia’s 356 marinas.  According to Dr Ed Mahoney Director of RMRC “this is the most comprehensive marina study ever conducted anywhere.  It provides a tremendous insight into the operation, performance and economic contribution of Australian marinas”.

    The reports highlight the significance of Australian marinas as economic, employment and social hubs within their communities. It is estimated that in 2010/11 the

    direct permanent and casual employment generated by marinas was 15,900 (excluding contractors). Marinas in Australia are positive about their financial future while noting significant variation across states. Overall all club marinas and 94% of non-club marinas anticipate the same or higher revenues in 2011/12 as 2010/11.

    MIAA President Andrew Chapman said “the health of the industry survey is a demonstration of the commitment and professionalism of the industry to underpin long term decision making and industry sustainability. These reports provide extensive analysis by marina size, type and (state) location. They will not only benefit industry but assist governments’ to better understand the benefits of marinas within their communities. Detailed findings from the reports will be progressively released over the next three months”.

    The research project has been assisted with the support of the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education and agencies with the QLD, NSW, and Vic state governments’.  Copies of the reports are available for A$169 from the MIAA at