Water News

    Kiteboard Tour Asia (KTA) and the KB4girls Foundation Team Up to Go Into the Next Round in Thailand

    Supporting female kiteboarders in Asia, KB4girls and KTA (Kite Tour Asia) first joined forces at last year’s KTA event on Boracay/Philippines with resounding success.

    The competition saw more female contestants join than any other KTA event to this date and the support by the female competitors was stronger than ever before.

    Building on last years success, this year’s season will see the KB4girls foundation become a part of the KTA continental championship tour event in Pranburi/Thailand. While the competition itself will take place from March 13 to 18, 2012 in front of the Beach House Hotel, Pak Nam Pan Beach, Pranburi.  The KB4girls professional coaching clinic for female kiters will take place from March 13 to 15, 2012.

    This KB4girls GLOBAL events will focus on competition preparation, coaching, tactics and mental imaging and will support the females prior to and during the first days of the competition.

    A kite clinic on day one will be followed by competition coaching and all girls (no matter if competitors entering the contest or not) are invited to join. The goals of the KB4girls/KTA event will be to once again create a less intimidating competition atmosphere for the female participants as well as a boost in their motivation and performance.

    KB4girls founder and 9x World Champion Kristin Boese will be coaching the female kiters personally and pass on her wealth of proven experience and tactics.

    The KB4girls/KTA event will be a fundraising event at the same time and all participants are asked to register within the KB4girls website and assemble their fundraising page. All funds raised will go directly to the KTA riders grant program.

    For further info please see: http://www.kb4girls.org/support/personal-fundraising-pages.html