Snow News

    New Arachnid Event Will Feature Pro-Style, Dual Alpine Slalom Racing Apr. 6-7

    Inspired by the tale of American alpine ski racer Vladimir “Spider” Sabich and his reign of the former alpine skiing pro tour in the early 1970’s, General Manager Josh Boyd at Wildcat Mountain wants to help revive that spirit of alpine ski racing in the Mount Washington Valley with the Arachnid pro-style, dual slalom race event scheduled for Friday, April 6 and Saturday, April 7.

    “I had read a story recently about “Spider” Sabich and was inspired to have Wildcat Mountain be the venue for a bracket style head-to-head slalom racing event that paid cash money to the fastest skier at the end of the day,” said Wildcat Mountain General Manager Josh Boyd. “And focusing on the concept and wanting to revive the excitement for an event like this, I have to apologize to the local community that has expressed interest in the event but questioned the uneven prize amounts for the top male and female racers. When I got together with my events and marketing team to outline details, we had looked to professional sports and other similar competitive skiing events that pay cash money prizes, like the Daron Rahlves Banzai Tour and Jackson Hole Mini Hahnenekamm Town Downhill, to consider the prize amounts for top male and female racers. Based on that and having initially set the prize amounts to be $1,000 for men and $500 for women, I have since received some feedback and suggestions to change that. Because this is our event and, conditions permitting, we’re hoping to have a good turn out and good times, I’ve gone ahead with adjusting the available Arachnid prize purse to now be split even among the men and women with top winners receiving $750. I hope that by making this adjustment, Wildcat Mountain may serve as an example for other similar local events to consider the same in the future.”

    Registration for the Arachnid is $75 ($50 for season passholders) and includes lift access for Friday, April 6 and Saturday, April 7. All racers must be age 18+ and pre-register by Thursday April 5. Time qualifying will begin at 9:30am on Friday, April 6 and is scheduled to take place on the Bobcat trail. Head-to-head bracket competition will begin at 9:30am on Saturday, April 7. For more information and to register, visit