Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar recently appointed National Marine Manufacturer Association President, Thom Dammrich to the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council, a panel created in 1993 to advise the Secretary on nationally significant recreational fishing, boating and aquatic resource conservation issues. Dammrich was one of 23 leaders from outdoor, recreation, and conservation organizations appointed to the Council. All members of the Council will serve a two year term. In addition to NMMA, appointees from the recreational boating industry also included Ryck Lydecker, BoatUS, John Sprague, Marine Industries Association of Florida and James Adams, States Organization for Boating Access.
The advice and recommendations of the Council provide guidance to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on its fisheries program and improving the efficiency of grant programs delivered through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program. It also supports and guides the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is to increase the number of conservation-minded recreational anglers and boaters.
In 2012, the Council is expected to undertake a major effort to lend assistance to the Service’s fisheries program in updating and revising its strategic vision and plan.
“I am delighted to accept this appointment and represent recreational boating and NMMA as a part of the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council,” notes Dammrich. “Recreational boating directly contributes an estimated $72 billion annually to the US economy and approximately 353,600 jobs across the nation; the work we’ll do with the Council to improve recreational fishing and boating will only further the benefits to the U.S.”
To read the complete announcement from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service please click here.