When onboard space is limited, a low-profile antenna creates more mounting location choices. Shakespeare Electronic Products Group offers its 3′ Skinny Mini 5250 VHF and 5250-AIS antennas, and an array of ratchet mounts, for varied installation options.
The antennas are ideal for bass boats, center console fishing vessels, and other small craft, as well as for mounting higher on larger boats for extended range. Compact and lightweight, the one-piece, stainless steel whip design provides superior stability on high-speed craft.
The 5250-AIS is designed to meet the broader bandwidth of all popular AIS transceivers. Identical in appearance to the 5250 VHF model, it helps create a clean, uniform look onboard.
Shakespeare uses a durable, chrome-plated brass canister on these VHF and AIS antennas to minimize the de-tuning associated with plastic canisters. Easily installed, the Skinny Mini 5250 models utilize a standard 1″-14 thread, and include 15′ of RG-58 cable and a PL-259 connector. Shakespeare offers a variety of stainless steel ratchet and rail mounts, sold separately, to accommodate the user’s installation needs.
Shakespeare’s online Learning Center helps owners determine the types of antennas and accessories best-suited for their applications.
Located at www.shakespeare-antennas.com/media, it features videos, sound bites, and other media files on a variety of educational and maintenance topics.
The economical Skinny Mini 5250 and 5250-AIS antennas from Shakespeare have a suggested retail price of $87.50 each.