Mountain & Trail News

    Basic Navigation Workshop Offered June 16 in New Hampshire

    If you’re interested in learning how to find your way in the outdoors using a map and compass, sign up for a free workshop on beginning-level map and compass navigation skills scheduled for Saturday, June 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at New Hampshire Fish and Game’s Owl Brook Hunter Education Center.

    Registration is limited and will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. To sign up for this workshop, contact the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center at 603-536-3954.

    Workshop participants will learn the basic skills needed to navigate in the outdoors using a map and compass. The class will be geared for beginners, as well as those looking to brush up on their knowledge of how to use a map and compass.

    Participants will spend some time in the classroom familiarizing themselves with the parts of a compass and how they work, and learning how to read a topographical map; then they will learn how to use the map and compass together to plan a day in the woods.

    Once they become comfortable with knowledge learned in the classroom, participants will head outside to navigate the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center’s orienteering course to practice their skills in an outdoor environment.

    Activities at Fish and Game’s Owl Brook Education Center are made possible by Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration funds. Purchase of fishing tackle, firearms, ammunition, archery equipment and motorboat fuels, along with license sales, helps fund sport fish and wildlife restoration in New Hampshire.

    For more information on Fish and Game’s Owl Brook Hunter Education Center, visit

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