Water News

    Outdoor Retailer ACK Launches iPad Optimized Online Store

    Outdoor retailer, Austin Canoe and Kayak (ACK), a division of MSP Holdings, LLC today announced the launch of an Apple iPad optimized version of their online store at ACK.com enabling customers to quickly and easily purchase outdoor gear anytime and anywhere.

    Users who access the website via an iPad will automatically and seamlessly be directed to the optimized version which boasts a sleeker more refined user interface making it convenient for those on the go. Customers can expect the same shopping experience they currently enjoy on the regular version of the site including access to the complete inventory database, detailed product information, full ecommerce capabilities, search tools, account management/order tracking and other functionality.

    The launch of the iPad version of site is one facet of a much larger mobile strategy involving a fully integrated user experience for all customers — regardless of how they choose to access ACK.com. This strategy focuses on a wide variety of mobile devices and technologies but the iPad version was considered a top priority based on the impressive increase of customers using iPads to access ACK.com. ACK reported an increase of over 2,000% in customer iPad use versus last year-to-date.

    “2012 is considered to be the year of tablets with industry stats showing staggering increases in use,” said Peter Messana, CEO of MSP Holdings, LLC, “the same holds true for our very own customer base which is currently showing that over 40% of our mobile traffic is coming from iPads.” Peter added, “It all comes back to providing our customers the best user experience regardless of platform or device and they can expect to see more of this soon.”

    ACK is will be launching other tablet versions and redesigning the current mobile smart phone version over the course of the next several months. To view the iPad optimized version of the website, visit ACK.com with any iPad.