Water News

    Meet Rob Crane of the U.S. Sailing Team

    Rob Crane was born into sailing. The Cranes have been into competitive sailing for generations. Crane began sailing in the Optimist Class and by 1998 he was the Optimist North American Champion. Now he is part of the intensely competitive full-rig Laser World Sailing Championship. In 2011, Crane put on a spectacular performance at the ISAF Sailing World Championships, which qualified him for the 2012 U.S. Olympic Sailing Team.

    The following is an excerpt from an interview on the U.S. Olympic Sailing Team website and learn more about Crane in the video below:

    How and when did you first get involved in sailing?

    I first got involved in sailing through my parents. My Dad was a sail maker for many years. My Mom’s father built Lightnings for a living. Due to this family history it was almost a given that I would sail. I first started sailing when I was five or six, but did not sail competitively until I was seven or eight.

    Who has been the most influential person in your sailing career and why?

    My Dad has been the most influential person due to his extensive sailing knowledge and participation in my sailing career.

    What would winning an Olympic medal mean to you?

    It would mean the world. It is hard to quantify exactly what it, but I would be elated. It would be the culmination of years of hard work.


    Image is a screenshot courtesy USSailingTeam on youtube