Water News

    Host a Cleanup in Your Area With the Help of BoatUS Foundation

    Clean waterways are essential to safe and fun boating. Whether you are a boater, a marina owner, a towboat captain or other waterfront business owner, helping to keep our waterways clean is in everyone’s best interest. Each year hundreds of thousands of individuals help by participating in beach and waterway cleanups around the world, collecting millions of pounds of trash and debris. Boaters and marine-based businesses are especially well equipped to help in this effort. With waterfront access and boats, we can easily get to locations that can be otherwise difficult to reach. Thanks to the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water, conducting your own cleanup event is now a lot easier.

    “A cleanup event is a great way to help your business show its commitment to the local community and reach out to new customers.” said BoatUS Foundation Outreach Manager Alanna Keating. “The Foundation’s new Guide to Waterway Cleanups covers everything you should do before, during and after your cleanup event including information on recruiting volunteers, promoting your event, getting donations and even educational materials on the hazards of marine debris. The guide also provides tips on working with the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup (ICC), held each year on the third Saturday in September.”

    If you are interested in conducting a cleanup event in your area, visit BoatUS.com/Foundation/Cleanup to download the guide and start planning your event.

    Not ready to dive into planning your own cleanup event? Why not participate with an established event in your area? Your special skills, access to boats and understanding of local waterways could be invaluable to other groups in expanding their efforts during a cleanup event. Contact the ICC to participate in an established event by visiting signuptocleanup.org.

    The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting safe and environmentally sensitive boating. The Foundation’s goal is to be the leader in boating safety and environmental education and outreach, with the purpose of reducing accidents and fatalities, increasing stewardship of our waterways, and keeping boating a safe, accessible and enjoyable pastime.

    Logo courtesy of BoatUS