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    Tennessee Knife Rights Bills Introduced

    Two companion Knife Rights requested bills have been introduced in the Tennessee Senate and House that would enact Knife Law Preemption, repeal Tennessee’s antiquated ban on automatic knives (switchblades) and repeal the the state’s four-inch knife length limitation.

    Senate Bill SB1015 was introduced by Senator Mike Bell and House Bill HB0581 was introduced by Rep. Vance Dennis.

    Preemption prevents the creation of, or eliminates, a patchwork of ordinances and rules which serve to confuse or entrap those traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. Knife Rights has passed similar Knife Preemption Laws in Arizona, Utah, New Hampshire and Georgia and repealed irrational knife bans in New Hampshire, Washington and Missouri.

    Image courtesy Knife Rights