Water News

    California DFW to Offer Two-Day Wilderness Land Navigation Clinic

    The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) will be holding a two-day land navigation clinic as part of its Advanced Hunter Education Program. The overnight workshop will be held at the Camp Whitsett, east of Bakersfield in the Sequoia National Forest, on April 4 and 5.

    This two-day clinic is designed to help students learn and practice basic navigation skills using a map, compass and GPS. There will be class work and lab exercises that develop the skills learned. The clinic will cover magnetic declination, the workings of a baseplate compass, map reading, how to stay oriented naturally, and taking bearings. Other topics covered include the use of magnetic bearings, map coordinate systems and GPS. All course materials and equipment will be provided.

    Space is limited to 25 people, so please register early.

    The cost is $65 for adults; students 16 years and younger are free but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Participants will camp overnight as part of the course.

    CDFW’s Advanced Hunter Education Program will provide all necessary class equipment, but meals are not included.

    Space is limited; registration forms are available online at: www.dfg.ca.gov/huntered/advanced/index.aspx.

    Camp Whitsett is located in the Sequoia National Forest, 70 miles east of Bakersfield and 192 miles north of Los Angeles.

    Image courtesy California Department of Fish and Wildlife