The ABH20 Cross-Water Walking Ski combines SUP and cross-country skiing.
It might not be walking on water, but a new invention is in the works that is designed to simulate cross-country skiing on water. The ABH20 Cross-Water Walking Ski is exactly what it sounds like—floating skis and paddle poles that, when used on the water’s surface, look very similar to a skiing motion.
After the stand up paddleboarding (SUP) craze hit, Bostjan Antoncic saw an opportunity in the market that wasn’t being touched. The idea for the ABH20 grew out of SUP’s popularity and it offers movement that is easier on the body than traditional skiing. There is a reduction of pressure on both the ankles and knees, making it perfect for people with motion issues in those areas. Similar to SUP, this workout reaches the entire body and is a great calorie burner.
Each ABH20 Cross-Water Walking Ski is 6.5 feet long and weighs 23 pounds. They are promoted as being easy to use and stable, designed in a way that makes it near-impossible to flip the skis over while using them on the water. While the product is still in the testing phase, the end result will be skis made of unsinkable plastic materials that can be used in oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds, and swimming pools.
While many people may still be scratching their heads as to why someone would purchase the skis when they already own a perfectly good paddleboard, there are several differences. The first is that unlike SUP, using the skis will fully work your leg muscles. In addition to the extra motions, the size is significantly smaller than a paddleboard. The end product is supposed to break down into several pieces, making transportation much easier.
Antoncic, the founder of the ski company, said the price of a set will be $795 without shipping.
A prototype has been tested over the last two years and is now ready to receive support before it is released on the market. The tentative plan is to put the finishing touches on the design and development from January to March, with five molds being produced at this time for rotational molding production. The goal is to have the first product deliveries by April 2014.
According to the indiegogo page, only $32 of the $80,000 has been raised so far, but there are still 50 days remaining before the contribution deadline on January 20. To entice people to donate, those who give $650 or more will receive their own set of skis and poles. This is a savings of $50 to $190, depending on how much needs to be spent on shipping.
Check out the video below for more info.
Image is a screenshot from video by AntoncicB on YouTube