Press Release

    Sierra Club Endorses Ryan Fishman

    The Michigan Chapter of the Sierra Club today announced its endorsement of Ryan Fishman (D) in the 2014 election in metro Detroit’s 13th Senate District.

    “Ryan Fishman earned Sierra Club’s endorsement because of his commitment to protecting Michigan’s Great Lakes way of life,” said Richard Barron, Political Chair of Michigan Sierra Club. “Ryan Fishman understands the importance of clean air, clean water and public health and how all of that and our forest lands are vital to what it means to be a Michigander. We are confident that he will work to protect Michigan’s environment, for our families and for our future.”

    An attorney and formal journalist, Fishman understands the influence special interests have on legislators to pass policies that harm the environment, contrary to the interests of their own constituents, and he’ll take them to task. As a candidate, Fishman has made it a priority to stand up for Michigan’s freshwater resources, recognizing the important role they will play in our economic future as a state. Fishman doesn’t want the public left out when it comes to hydraulic fracturing and will demand scientists, lawmakers, and property owners across our state partner on sound environmental legislation. Fishman sees a competitive advantage for Michigan with the opportunity to be a leader nationally on growing economic sectors like renewable energy, science and technology, manufacturing and engineering, and will work with industry leaders to create new, sustainable jobs in Michigan. He will work to bring Michigan up to speed with other states on energy efficiency, as a simple, common sense way to save taxpayer dollars.

    “We are grateful to see a candidate like Ryan who has a strong commitment to Michigan’s clean energy future. He recognizes the importance of Michigan being a leader in new sustainable industries.” said Dave Richards, Co-Chair of the Sierra Club’s Southeast Michigan Group’s Political Committee. “he has demonstrated a deep dedication to the protecting Michigan’s air, water and the places that make Michigan great.”

    “In Michigan we don’t just stand on the water’s edge when it comes to an incredible opportunity to tap into our natural resources to drive our state’s economic engine forward — we all literally stand on the water’s edge. That’s the advantage we have as a state. It’s time to recognize that 20 percent of the world’s freshwater resources border our state, and that can drive new manufacturing and engineering opportunities through green collar jobs, we can pioneer new energy initiatives, we can use our vast agricultural resources to champion solar and wind power – it’s Michigan’s time, now more than ever, and the way we were a global economic leader thanks to the automobile, we can be a global economic leader again by tapping into what we already have – at our borders and across our state – an amazing pool of talent and resources.” – Ryan Fishman

    Along with the endorsement, the Sierra Club will lend its volunteer strength to Fishman’s campaign.

    “We pledge to do all we can to help ensure Fishman gets elected,” concluded Mike Berkowitz, Political Director of the Michigan Sierra Club. “Sierra Club volunteers will contact voters on his behalf and we will speak to the public as often as possible about his exemplary stance on protecting Michigan’s environment and the publics voice when it comes to risky practices.

    The Michigan Chapter’s Political Committee conducts thorough reviews of all candidates based on their environmental history, voting records and policy positions through candidate interviews and responses to candidate questionnaires.

    Logo courtesy Sierra Club