Write For Us

Writer’s Guidelines

ActionHub.com is an online publication focused on entertaining, educating and embracing the outdoor and adventure lifestyle, with a particular focus on snow, water, and mountain and trail activities. Our content consists of news, feature stories, how-to guides, opinion pieces, and product reviews, and is distributed regularly on social media and through an email newsletter.

Our network of staff and freelance contributors are experts in this industry and bring with them a diverse background of skills and geography. We welcome contributions from writers with knowledge of the outdoors, especially as it relates to gear, trends, news and lifestyle content. Most articles are in the 600- to 800-word range and are supplemented with photos.

Feature stories should cover a given topic, experience, personality or event in-depth and in an accessible way.

How-to or instructional guides should be focused on a single topic (kayaking, trail running, rock climbing, etc.) with the value of improving a reader’s knowledge on that topic.

Product reviews should objectively examine a given product on its features and merits for the outdoor enthusiasts it is intended for, including firsthand, in-the-field use. Common topics of investigation include value for price, reliability and quality, though these may vary from product to product.

Prospective writers with individual content queries or related questions should contact rtipps@actionhub.com. ActionHub is owned and managed by parent company Carbon Media Group.

Standards and Values

ActionHub holds its writers to high standards of accuracy and integrity. To that end, we will always openly cite (and link to, when possible) sources of information. We will always publicly acknowledge corrections to factual errors in article text. Occasionally ActionHub works with certain advertisers and companies to produce articles and reviews. Any collaboration of this sort will be indicated in the text of an article or media associated with it.

We strive to produce content that is written from an authentic pro-outdoors perspective, yet is still objective.

ActionHub also publishes news releases from brands and companies related to the outdoors. These releases are published as news items, and their authorship is indicated on the article’s page.

Should you feel that an ActionHub writer has violated any of these principles or have a complaint regarding ethics and values, please contact Managing Editor Ryan Tipps at rtipps@actionhub.com.

ActionHub Video

ActionHub, in partnership with Google and our sibling publication, OutdoorHub, is building the world’s first and largest outdoor video network online. Our staff are working to bring your video content to millions of outdoor enthusiasts.


  • We syndicate your branded videos across YouTube in partnership with Google as well as throughout the OutdoorHub network of websites.
  • Our network pays you when we run commercials.
  • Our staff does all the editing work — you just send us the content.
  • Sponsor billboards are retained in content so you can provide more value.
OutdoorHub Video